I am a wife. I am a mother. I am a doula.

My husband and I began our family in 2010 and now have seven kids. We have birthed babies at both hospitals in the Keweenaw, and at home. My personal experiences have helped shape me into who I am today: a doula who respects, supports, encourages, and guides parents on this journey.

I believe each woman deserves to be fully supported and respected during pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum. We can’t always get exactly what we’ve planned for; every birth is different. But we can feel heard, supported, informed, and respected while making the decisions during our experience.

Anna Kangas

I am a total birth nerd. I get excited about all these topics surrounding birth and babies. The human body is absolutely amazing and I love learning how to best support it through the process of preconception to postpartum. You'll find me spending lots of time researching online and reading books on these topics. Continual education is very important to me. Some topics I especially love learning about are herbs, nutrition, and bodywork. Anatomy and physiology and labor and pushing positions are something I could talk about all day!

I am a Birth Arts International trained doula. BAI is known for being the premier holistic doula training organization. Through BAI I have a great network of doulas that are a knowledgeable and supportive group. I also helped form a Yooper Birthworkers group in which we support and educate each other. Our common goal is to better serve families in our communities. I love creating connections. Working alongside the nurses, midwives, doulas, and other community members who are as passionate about serving families as I am just fills me up!

Are you resonating with what I’m saying? Would you love to have a deeper conversation about your birth?

Click the button below to email me and we can schedule an appointment!


Through both my birth doula training and my love of learning all things pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and parenting- I just soak it all in and enjoy sharing what I know.


Soon-to-be Certified.

I am soon to be a Birth Arts International certified doula. BAI is known for being the premier holistic doula training organization.



I have been serving Houghton & Keweenaw Counties since 2019 and have attended 5 births and counting, all with different experiences!